17 May 2023 by A. O. Faruq
Sheekore Update 2023

Sheekore 2023
Last year we deprecated the following titles Emoji Crush, Uh Oh, Pixel Escape, Find the Combo, Fluttery Duck, and Swap, because we could not support the game long-term because of the underlying changes in the game engine and adding new content was becoming difficult. Since the games were not being played by a lot of users it was easier to deprecate without any clear plans on what experiences would be replacing those. Initially, we planned to develop an app called Chroma which would deal with color palettes but after some internal testing we could not see the value the app would provide to the users currently so shelved it for now, we did learn a lot about the underlying platform Flutter that would be powering some of the experiences of our upcoming apps.
After a lot of thought, the first app that would kick off the next generation of experiences from Sheekore as we have learned a lot over the last few years, we went back to the start to revive Emoji Crush. Instead of just calling it Emoji Crush 2.0 we have decided to call it Crushmoji because of substantial changes in the gameplay, the platform supporting it, and the emojis. We have a lot to share about Crushmoji in the coming months as development is still ongoing.
Sheekore has relocated to the United Kingdom and the policies have been updated accordingly. They will take effect from 01/06/2023.
As always your feedback and support are welcome.